Saturday bread making

May 3rd, 2009 by Admin


Gave it a go again yesterday with Chris’s whole-grain flour – this time mixed with some organic, all purpose white – and turned out the first loaf that I am actually proud of.  I used the most basic overnight recipe from Bread Matters, which I have mentioned before, and was very pleased with the result. See those air pockets? I’ve never gotten real air pockets before! It was exciting, to say the least. I didn’t manage to get a good, hard crust, but it’s a big improvement.

Thanks to those of you who have sent along recipes – I’ll be trying more out as the summer goes on and sharing some here, as well.

One Response to “Saturday bread making”

  1. Deanna Says:

    Hello. Found your site while trying to research grains in B.C. to teach our 4-H members for their Agriculture Awareness Project. We are located in Maple Ridge and Ag Awareness is just one of the projects our club offers. We have worked through meat and dairy and are on to grains! Would love to hear from you.